"believe you can and you're half way there"
- Theodore Roosevelt
*Ranked Top 10 of >600 Biology Tutors with 100% 5* Reviews*
with LYNDSEY AT biowithconfidence you can...
My Students Success
My students often jump up at least 2 grades and with our joint effort, can go from D's to A's & A*'s in a matter of weeks. My students often tell me this is, in part, due to my closeness in age and my unique ability to therefore relate to their struggles. This is what makes me so passionate about teaching Biology and able to inspire my students to achieve the grades they want as I too sat the same exams not so long ago and went from D's to A*'s myself!
My teaching method
This has been refined over the 9 years I have been doing this and is designed for my students to quickly build on their Exam technique and, most importantly, their confidence! I have come to realise that exam results are largely due to students self-belief and confidence in their ability. I have therefore developed and trained as a Coach/Mentor to also help improve Students mindset to allow them to reach their full potential.

WHAT people say after working with ME
Salwa, Parent
Excellent tutor
From the first lesson my son enjoyed her tuition and said she is brilliant
Definitely recommend her for A level biology
Many thanks Lindsy, you are a star
Emily, Parent
Lyndsey has been an encouraging and inspiring tutor for our daughter as she worked to improve her Biology A-level understanding and grade. The time with Lyndsey proved extremely valuable and made a big difference to her understanding and progression. We highly recommend Lyndsey!
Ani, Student
Lyndsey has been an amazing tutor and has offered incredible support during my A-levels. The last year with COVID has been particularly challenging but my weekly session kept me on track and re-motivated me during the dredged online learning. My grades since starting with her have improved enormously along with my confidence. Could not recommend her enough!